Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Multiple Choice Love

Last week I was cleaning out Eric John's backpack and we came across this lovely picture. He said "oh yea, I forgot I made this picture for you and Dad for Valentine's Day and I forgot to give it to you, Love you Mom!" and ran off to play. As I read it's contents I got a good chuckle, here's what it read:
Top: I love you mom and dad very mach(much) do you tow(two) love me to?
Side: Please turn the paper when you are done with the question
Back Top: Do you love me please anser(answer) the qestion(question)
Back side: yes, no, maby(maybe), sometimes.
I'm glad he gave me several options to choose from. Mom's answer, all of the above, but mostly always. He can be so cute!!!


KayDee said...

That is to cute:) Love that he gave you so many choices!

Krystall said...

That is really cute- I remember writing multiple choice notes myself! :)

Jamie and Heather Darger said...

how sweet!!!! You have taught him well.