Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The things I do instead of the things I should be doing

I was asked to be on the Super Saturday committee. I'm in charge of two projects that I made. the cute 'joy' sign out of 12 x 12 wood squares and way cute wooden letters thanks to my good friend "Joann's" and an Advent calendar out of a clipboard, got the Idea off of one of my favorite websites, splitcoaststampers.com. You need the close-ups to appreciate the dimensions...
...the style...
...the pizazz...
I love all the prep work I have ahead of me to get all the stuff ready for Super Saturday on the 13th. I should be sewing the material for my upcoming wedding on the 6th......or maybe drilling the holes in the over 40 signs I need to get ready...or start cutting and printing all the stuff for the advent calendar...Instead, my cute friend Amy came over and we......made our BOO sign for Halloween, you know you just can't have too many Halloween decorations. I love it! As I was looking for the paper and supplies for the JOY sign above, I found this way cute Halloween paper and I just couldn't resist.
And no BOO sign is complete with out some Martha Stewart Glitter...
...Paper from the Wal-mart of scrapbook stores, Scrapbooks Etc.

Embellishments from the Making Memories line......And you have yourself a BOO sign, taaadaaa!!! I'm afraid this will be my last blog entry for a while, I have a lot of work to do. So bring me some diet coke and come help me get some work done, yes I'm talking to you!!!
P.S. I told you we got a fish from our last wedding, and it's still alive, I guess since the bread crumbs didn't kill it, it deserves some real fish food. I really don't like pets. It's stinky and so much work, with the having to feed it every day, I have 6 kids I don't need one more fish mouth to feed. Here kitty, kitty, just kidding!!!!!


Krystall said...

I'm so jealous! We don't do Super Saturday in our ward! Your stuff is beautiful!! Is it too late to sign up? :)

KayDee said...

I love all the crafty things! I so want to do an advent calendar! Would you do a tutorial on how to make it or we could have a craft day/do lunch at my house!

Good luck with all that you have to get done:)

Elder Davis said...

Kaydee and Krystall, you guys are welcome to come any time and we'll do one for you guys. Just call me.

Jamie and Heather Darger said...

So WHEN are they re-alligning our boundaires? I want to make that! Love the calendar - no more hearing "how many days" and me having to cringe at the reality of it!

Heather said...

I too am jealous, no super sat for our stake anymore!! :(
You have some dang cute crafts going on, LUCKY!!